Saturday, April 2, 2011
Babycook water levels
I took some of the mystery out of it by using my measuring cup and measuring the levels.
1 = 2.5oz
2 = 4oz
3 = 6oz
Rice and Pasta use level 3
Veggies use level 3
Fruits use level 2
Haven't found a use for level 1. If anyone knows...please share.
Monday, March 28, 2011
I don't think she likes rice
She likes it!
I guess that answers my question. She ate about 1/3 of a small banana. We'll have more tomorrow.
I am not giving up on the rice. I said this will be trial and error. Tomorrow I'll make a new batch and I'll try making it thicker.
Trader Joe's Haul
Saturday, March 26, 2011
First attempt at rice cereal
I removed the pureed rice (above picture was taken while I was in the middle of taking it out) and put it into a bowl. I then put back 3 tablespoons of the rice back into the blender and added 3 tablespoons breastmilk. 3 tablespoons was trial and error. I found that using less did not blend well. Probably because it was not enough food and liquid for the blades to move it around and get to it all. Because this is Maggie's first taste of solid food, I blended until I got a watery consistency. I found the 1:1 ratio a good start.
I put it into a bowl and it was ready to serve:
Clean Up-
Everything went into the dishwasher (top shelf - a great benefit of the Babycook). I put the leftover rice in an airtight container as well as the leftover cereal. I don't know how long both will last. I guess we'll see.
Here is her reaction (we submitted this to ABC Good Morning America's "Your Three Words" segment).
She got tired of trying it pretty quickly and didn't eat much. I really didn't expect her to. I wasn't in any rush, she'll get it eventually.
We tried again at dinner. This time she enjoyed it a lot more.
I heated up the cereal in a glass bowl placed in a bowl of warm water:
And she likes it:
We'll try it again tomorrow. :-)
An Introduction
I decided to make my daughter's baby food for a few reasons. The first is that I know that I can make it as healthy if not more healthy than I can find in the stores. The second is financial - making her food will be less expensive than buying it (especially since the Beaba was a gift). And the third is that she will introduced to a larger variety of foods than if I gave her the commercial food. Foods that we eat and that are cooked and seasoned the way we eat - hopefully expanding her palette from the beginning. I also don't want her to be used to pureed foods. I want her exposed to texture from day one.
I didn't do this with my older daughter, Annemarie (almost 3 years old) and I regret it. She is now eats only pizza, spaghetti, chicken nuggets, PB&J, yogurt, waffles, pancakes, eggs and cereal. Getting her to try new foods is always a fight.
My mother bought me the Beaba Babycook when I started Annemarie on solids. I used it sporadically but relied mostly on organic commercial foods such as Earth's Best and Happy Baby baby foods. They were great, but expensive and rarely on sale.
This time around I am vowing to do it differently.
As I started to research recipes, I found so much (visit for great recipes and information on making your own baby food) but nothing geared specifically for the Babycook. I am the type of person that likes to be given all of the information at once - tell me what water level to use, how much to put in and how long to blend it. I couldn't find anything.
This is my journey. It will be trial and error (probably more error at first. lol). I will post recipes, pictures and videos of my progress. Hopefully it will be entertaining, fun, inspiring and successful.
Please feel free to comment, critique (constructive only please) and advise. We are in this together.
Thanks for reading and God Bless.